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Case Studies

Streamlined Decision-Making in Manufacturing: Power BI Dashboard Success Story

Our client, a prominent player in Threaded Fastener manufacturing, grappled with the complexity of overseeing multiple factories and diverse operations. To tackle this, our implementation of a sophisticated Manufacturing Dashboard powered by Power BI provided a centralized solution for real-time monitoring and decision-making. This case study navigates the challenges encountered, the intricacies of our tailored solution, and the transformative impact on operational efficiency.


Our Manufacturing Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to provide real-time insights into the production processes of our client, a leading manufacturer of Threaded Fasteners. Tailored to address specific challenges, the dashboard delivers a comprehensive overview and facilitates data-driven decision-making.

About the Customer

Our client, a prominent player in the manufacturing industry specializing in Threaded Fasteners, operates across multiple factories. Their diverse machinery and workforce necessitated a unified solution for real-time monitoring and decision-making.

The Challenges

  1. Operational Oversight: Centralized monitoring was crucial for managing diverse manufacturing processes.
  2. Data Complexity: Handling various data points—production quantity, defects, downtime, and costs—posed a challenge.
  3. Operator Performance: Assessing individual operator performance and its impact on production required attention.


To address the multifaceted challenges faced by our client in the manufacturing of Threaded Fasteners, we developed a robust Manufacturing Dashboard using Power BI. This tailored solution stands as a pivotal tool in providing actionable insights and facilitating informed decision-making across various facets of the production process.

Key Features

  1. Dynamic Filters: Four slicers for streamlined filtering by product, batch number, year, and month, enabling focused data analysis.
  2. Employee Performance Tracker: A dynamic scroller showcasing employee names and their corresponding production quantities.
  3. Key Metrics Overview:
    • Performance Insights: Total production quantity and defects.
    • Cost Analysis: Total manufacturing cost.
    • Workforce Overview: Total employees.
  4. Performance Gauge: Illustrating Production Achievement vs. Targeted Production for quick assessment.
  5. Operational Breakdowns:
    • Machine Efficiency: Production quantity and downtime breakdown.
    • Factory Performance: Production quantity and downtime breakdown.
  6. Operator Productivity Analysis: Operator-wise production quantity breakdown.
  7. Production Trend Analysis: An area chart depicting the year-wise trend of production quantity for long-term analysis.

The Outcome

The Manufacturing Dashboard provides real-time insights, enabling proactive decision-making and enhancing operational efficiency. The client now benefits from a centralized platform for efficient monitoring and data-driven decision support.

Key Benefits of Our Solution

  1. Enhanced Monitoring: Real-time visibility into critical manufacturing metrics.
  2. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Comprehensive data analysis for informed decision support.
  3. Optimized Resource Allocation: Operator and machine-wise breakdowns for efficient resource utilization.
  4. Increased Productivity: Identification of improvement areas leading to enhanced overall productivity.



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