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Case Studies

Data Visualization and Operational Performance Management through MicroStrategy BI Dashboard

The project aimed to implement a comprehensive data visualization solution using MicroStrategy BI Dashboard to manage operational performance and achieve a unified view of the company. By aligning strategic and operational objectives and effectively monitoring and managing business measurements, the project aimed to drive business success.


The project focused on leveraging MicroStrategy BI Dashboard to provide a holistic approach to operational performance management. It addressed challenges related to metric standardization, software version inconsistencies, anticipation of architectural database changes, and setting standardized business goals. The solution involved the development of interactive dossiers tailored to the specific needs of various customers, enabling them to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

The Challenges

1.Metric Standardization: With a diverse customer base, achieving metric standardization became challenging as each customer had unique requirements and analytical methods.

2.Software Version Inconsistencies: Inconsistencies in how data was populated within database tables across different software versions posed the risk of inaccuracies in presented information, potentially impacting development speed and standardization efforts.

3.Anticipating Architectural Database Changes: The project faced the challenge of anticipating major architectural database changes or misalignment with the warehouse management system development roadmap.

4.Setting Standardized Business Goals: The project required making assumptions to establish standardized business goals across clients and industries, posing a challenge in ensuring accuracy and relevance.

The Solutions

To address these challenges, the project implemented the following solutions:

1.Development of Interactive Dossiers: Interactive dossiers were created using MicroStrategy BI Dashboard, focusing on outbound and inbound details, warehouse optimization, order status, productivity, labor prediction, warehouse, and inventory. These dossiers provided customers with valuable insights and helped them derive actionable decisions from their data.

2.Visual Design Considerations: The content and delivery of the dashboards were carefully designed to prioritize simplicity, clear visual hierarchy, consistent colour scheme, contextual comparisons, interactive elements, and drill-down capabilities. The aim was to ensure readability, emphasize relevant metrics, and provide a seamless user experience.

The Outcome

The implementation of MicroStrategy BI Dashboard and the development of interactive dossiers resulted in several positive outcomes:

1.Data Warehouse Management: The project established a robust data warehouse management system that provided key insights and detailed analysis for various customers.

2.Value and Decision-Making: Customers benefited from having a single platform to address their retail data needs, leading to improved decision-making based on accurate and timely information.

3.Increased Visibility: The solution provided increased visibility into supply chain complexity, technology fragmentation, and rapidly changing consumer behaviour, enabling proactive measures and risk reduction.

Key Benefits of the Project

1.Unified Platform: Customers benefited from utilizing a single platform for all their data management and analysis needs.

2.Actionable Insights: The interactive dossiers empowered customers to derive value and make informed decisions from their data, resulting in improved operational performance

3.Improved Visibility and Risk Reduction: The project offered increased visibility into supply chain dynamics, enabling customers to identify and mitigate risks effectively.

Overall, the project successfully leveraged MicroStrategy BI Dashboard to create a data visualization solution that enhanced operational performance management and provided valuable insights to support informed decision-making.



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